Nanospell Spell Checking Software Components
JavaScript jQuery CKEditor TinyMCE PHP ASP.Net Classic ASP

The ASP.Net Spell Checker


A class providing behind-the-scenes spell checking results and suggestions.


CaseSensitive bool false Consider CaSe MIStakeS as spelling errors
DictionaryPath string "dictionaries/" Sets a base local path. All methods that access files (have a filePath property) will be relative to this path unless a complete (C:\) file path is given.
IgnoreAllCaps bool true Considers words in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS to be spelled correctly
IgnoreNumeric bool true Considers words with numb3r5 in them to be spelled correctly
LicenceKey string "" Registered License Key for the use of ASPNetSpell in your application.
SuggestionTollerance int 1 Sets a cutoff point for spelling suggestion improbability. The higher the suggestion tolerance - the more suggestions will be given.


AddBannedWords(string[] wordList) void Words in wordlist will always be considered spelling errors - even if they are in a dictionary. This is useful for blocking inappropriate acronyms and profanity.
BuildDictionary(string[] wordList, string cacheId = "") string Builds a ASpNetSpell dictionary (.dic format) from an array of words. If cacheId is set - the dictionary is loaded into the SpellChecker immediately. Otherwise the dictionary is returned as a string.
BuildCommonTypos(string[] CTEentries) void Builds a list of common typing mistakes that fine tune spellchecker performance.

Entries are in the format "teh-->the".

BuildEnforcedCorrections(string[] ECEentries) void Builds a list of enforced corrections which override existing suggestions algorithms for given words.

Entries are in the format "aspnetspell-->ASPNetSpell||ASP.Net Spell".

CorrectCase(string word, bool capitalized) string Returns word in the correct case as seen in the dictionary. If capitalized is true then the returned word will be capitalized.
DidYouMean(string phrase) string Returns the a search engine style spelling suggestion for an entire phrase.
ErrorTypeWord (string word) char Returns an error type for any misspelled word:
  • 'E' - Enforced Correction
  • 'B' - Word is on your banned words list
  • 'C' - A CaSe Mistake
  • 'X' - (infrequent) Unlicensed software
  • 'S' - Spelling mistake. Not found in any dictionary and none of the above cases apply.
  • null - word is valid
ListDictionaries() string[] Returns an array of all of the ASPNetSpell .dic dictionaries installed in your DictionaryPath folder.
ListLiveDictionaries() List<string> Returns a list of all dictionaries currently loaded into the SpellChecker's memory.
LoadCustomBannedWords( string filePath ) void Words in the file specified (1 per line) will always be considered spelling errors - even if they are in a dictionary. This is useful for blocking inappropriate acronyms and profanity.
LoadCustomDictionary( string filePath ) void Words in the file specified (1 per line) will always be added to the SpellChecker's vocabulary. This allows non compiled text files to be used as dictionaries.
LoadCustomDictionaryFromURL( string filePath ) void As LoadCustomDictionary, but words are fetched from a URL
LoadCommonTypos( string filePath ) void Loads a file of common typing mistakes that fine tune spellchecker performance.

Entries are in the format "teh-->the", 1 per line.

LoadCommonTypos( string dictionaryName ) string Loads an ASPNetSpell .dic dictionaries installed in your DictionaryPath folder into memory. Use the name of the dictionary without the ".dic" at the end.
LoadUserDictionary( string[] wordList ) string Loads a list of words into to the SpellChecker's vocabulary. these words are cached at user level - rather than application level.
LoadUserDictionary( string[] wordList ) string Loads a list of words into to the SpellChecker's vocabulary. Words are cached at user level - rather than application level.
LoadEnforcedCorrections (string filePath) void Loads a file of enforced corrections which override existing suggestions algorithms for given words.

Entries are in the format "aspnetspell-->ASPNetSpell||ASP.Net Spell", 1 per line.

SpellCheckWord (string word) bool Is the word found in any loaded dictionary. Banned words will always return false.
Suggestions( string word ) string[] Array of spelling suggestions for word. This is returned using phonetics, string distance and fuzzy logic.
TokenizeString( string phrase ) string[] Turns any string into an array of tokens. Each token is a distinct word, or a block of punctuation.