ASPNetSpell has a full JavaScript API allowing the advanced developer to capture events and modify behaviour of spell-checkers at client runtime.
This demo shows the Javscript API capturing the onDialogOpen and onChangeWord (as-you-type) events.
ASPNetSpell has a full JavaScript API allowing the advanced developer to capture events and modify behaviour of spell-checkers at client runtime.
If you just want to submit a form upon spell-check dialog completion - see the ASP.Net SpellButton Event - OnSpellCheckComplete
Each SpellButton and SpellTextArea at the server side are paired with a clientside instance of LiveSpellOject - a Javascript class documented below.
<form id="form1" runat="server"> <ASPNetSpell:SpellTextBox ID="SpellTextBox1" runat="server"> ... </ASPNetSpell:SpellTextBox> <ASPNetSpell:SpellButton ID="SpellButton1" runat="server" /> </form> <script type='text/javascript' defer='defer' > // This script must come after the end of the < /form > tag // Notice the defer='defer' attribute for IE compatibility var mySpellButton= <%=SpellButton1.JavaScriptId%>; mySpellButton.onDialogOpen = function(){ alert("onDialogOpen Dialog Event fired by SpellButton1")} var mySpellTextBox= <%=SpellTextBox1.JavaScriptId%>; mySpellTextBox.onChangeWord = function(){ alert("onChangeWord As-You-Type Event fired by SpellTextBox1")} </script>
Events can apply to both as-you-type and in dialog spellchecking as needed:
Class LiveSpellObject
Defined in /ASPNetSpellInclude/include.js
<script src="/ASPNetSpellInclude/include.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> // E.g. var mySpell = new LiveSpellInstance(); mySpell.Fields = "ALL" mySpell.ServerModel="aspx" mySpell.DrawSpellImageButton() mySpell.ActivateAsYouType() </script>
Core Properties | |||
CaseSensitive | Bool | True | Consider case mistakes when spellchecking? |
CheckGrammar | Bool | True | Check for structural grammar errors such as repeated words, and sentence casing. |
CSSTheme | String | "classic" | Theme for the spell-checker UI context menu and spelling dialog window. Maps to a folder name within /ASPNetSpellInclude/themes/ |
Fields | String | "ALL" | Sets the html elements to be spell-checked by this instance.
FormToSubmit | String | "" | A form id to submit upon successful spellchecking using the dialog. |
IgnoreAllCaps | Bool | True | Ignore ALL CAPITALIZED words |
IgnoreNumeric | Bool | true | gnore strings with numbers in them which are often product codes or serial numbers.
Language | String | "English (International)" | Dictionary language to be used for spellchecking.
UserInterfaceLanguage | String | "en" | Translation ANSI language code for the spellchecker dialogue and context menu.
ServerModel | String | "php" | Server hypertext processing language. Needs to be set to "aspx" or "" for .net applications |
Advanced Setup Properties | |||
CustomOpener | function | null | Set a custom function which will override the regular spell-checker window opening method.
CustomOpener | function | null | Set a custom function which can be set to override the regular spell-checker window opening method. |
CustomOpenerClose | function | null | Set a custom function called when spellchecking in a CustomOpener scenario is completed. |
Delay | integer | 888 | Delay in milliseconds between the user finishing typing and As-You-Type fields having their spelling re-validated. |
WindowMode | String | "modal" | Sets the behavior of the spellchecker dialog to either:
Strict | Bool | true | Enforces "Banned Words" and "Enforced Corrections" such that they cannot be ignored. |
ShowSummaryScreen | Bool | true | Shows a summary of statistics after a spell checker dialog has successfully finished. |
ShowMeanings | Bool | true | Shows the meaning of words and thesaurus using the "Lookup meaning..." link in the spell checker dialog.
MeaningProvider | String |{word} | The URL expression that the meaning lookup will go to for definitions and synonyms |
UndoLimit | Integer | 20 | Maximum remembered levels of user undo. |
HiddenButtons | String | "" | A "comma,separated,list" of buttons to be removed from the spell-checker dialog and context menu - identified by their id |
HiddenButtons | String | "" | A "comma,separated,list" of buttons to be removed from the spell-checker dialog and context menu - identified by their id |
HiddenButtons | String | "" | A "comma,separated,list" of buttons to be removed from the spell-checker dialog and context menu - identified by their id |
Methods | |||
checkInWindow() | Spell checks your Fields in a pop-up dialog window. | No Arguments | Returns: null |
checkInSitu() | Spell checks your text-area fields in place using red-wiggly-underlining and a context menu. | No Arguments | Returns: null |
activateAsYouType() | All textarea fields named in the Fields property will now automatically validate spelling in context when their value changes due to user interaction. | No Arguments | Returns: null |
pauseAsYouType() | Pauses the behavior started by the activateAsYouType function | No Arguments | Returns: null |
Rendering Methods | |||
url() | Returns the URL used to open the spell-checker dialog window. | No Arguments | Returns: String |
url() | Returns the URL used to open the spell-checker dialog window. | No Arguments | Returns: String |
DrawSpellButton([inPlace] [,text] [,Class] [,style] ) | document.writes a SpellButton | Arguments: see SpellButton function | Returns: null - writes an element to the HTML DOM |
DrawSpellImageButton ([inPlace] [,image] [,rollover] [,text] [,Class] [,style]) | document.writes a SpellImageButton | Arguments: see SpellImageButton function | Returns: null - writes an element to the HTML DOM |
DrawSpellLink([inPlace] [,text] [,Class] [,style] ) | document.writes a SpellLink | Arguments: see SpellLink function | Returns: null - writes an element to the HTML DOM |
SpellButton([inPlace] [,text] [,Class] [,style] ) | Returns an HTML string for a form button that will open a spellchecker. | Arguments:
| Returns: (string) of the button's full html |
SpellImageButton ([inPlace][,image,][,rolloverImage][,Class][,style]) | Returns an HTML string for an image with rollover effect that will open a spellchecker. | Arguments:
| Returns: (string) of the image button's full html |
SpellLink([inPlace] [,text] [,Class] [,style] ) | Returns an HTML string for a hyperlink that will open a spell-checker. | Arguments:
| Returns: (string) of the link's full html |
Events | |||
onDialogOpen() | No Arguments | Spellchecker dialog is opened. | |
onDialogComplete() | No Arguments | Spellchecker dialog completes spellchecking all words. | |
onDialogCancel() | No Arguments | Spellchecker dialog is cancelled before spellchecking all words. | |
onDialogClose() | No Arguments | Spellchecker dialog closes for any reason. | |
onChangeLanguage(Language) | Arguments: Language (string) | User changes the selected dictionary language in either a dialog window or context menu. | |
onIgnore(Word) | Arguments: Word (string) | A word is ignored by the user. | |
onIgnoreAll(Word) | Arguments: Word (string) | The users tells the spellchecker to "Ignore All" | |
onChangeWord(From, To) | Arguments: From(string), To (string) | The user corrects a word's spelling. | |
onChangeAll(From, To) | Arguments: From(string), To (string) | The user corrects a words spelling and applies that change globally across all current fields. | |
onLearnWord(Word) | Arguments: Word (string) | A words is added to the dictionary. | |
onLearnAutoCorrect(From, To) | Arguments: From(string), To (string) | A words is added to the user's own personal auto-correct. | |
onUpdateFields(arrayOfFieldIds) | Arguments: arrayOfFieldIds(Array) An array of strings of the fields which have been updated. | A form field is updated due to spellchecking. The fields affected are listed in the arrayofFieldIds array. |
The Ajax API allows your to make Asynchronous server requests for spellcheciing from the client page without refreshing the browser.
Ajax Methods | |||
AjaxSpellCheck(word, makeSuggestions) | Arguments: (string) word, (bool) makeSuggestions | Returns: null - results are sent to the onSpellCheck event | Makes an AJAX request to spell-check the word. Spelling suggestions are only returned to onSpellCheck if makeSuggestions is true. |
AjaxSpellCheckArray(arrayOfWords, makeSuggestions) | Arguments: (array) arrayOfWords, (bool) makeSuggestions | Returns: null - results are sent to the onSpellCheck event | ajaxSpellCheckArray functions much as ajaxSpellCheck excapt an array of words is spellchecked. Spelling suggestions are only returned to onSpellCheck if makeSuggestions is true. |
AjaxDidYouMean(inputString) | Arguments: (string) inputString | Returns null - results are sent to the onDidYouMean event | Requests the most likely "Did You Mean..." search query string for inputString. |
AJAX Events & Callbacks | |||
onSpellCheck (word, spelling, reason, suggestions) | Arguments:
| Callback function for the ajaxSpellCheck method.
| |
onDidYouMean (suggestion, original) | Arguments:
| Callback function for the AjaxDidYouMean function. |
The JavaScript API allows developers the choice to use all of ASPNetSpell's functionality using JavaScript as the integration language... anywhere on an IIS server that supports
<script src="/ASPNetSpellInclude/include.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> var mySpell = new LiveSpellInstance(); mySpell.Fields = "ALL" mySpell.ServerModel="aspx" mySpell.DrawSpellImageButton() mySpell.ActivateAsYouType() </script>